Student code of conduct
The University is a large environment of communication where students work with their friends, lecturers, staff and other vistitors. The University expect student to conduct themselves confidently, honestly and respectfully in all situations, whether in spoken communication or written statements.
Any behaviors inconsistent with the Code of Conduct Policy will be under Misconduct Policy and face disciplinary punishment from the Disciplinary Committee.
Listed below are some highlights of the student code of conduct.
Collegiality and Participation
The University values collegiality and participation in decision making, recognising that the University is enriched by diverse contributions from staff and students.
Students will foster collegiality and participation by:
Treating others with fairness, respect and courtesy;
Not acting in a manner that is threatening, harassing, bullying, discriminatory, victimising, vilifying or intimidating, or likely to adversely affect the safety, health, well-being and reputation of others; and
Not acting in a manner that disrupts any teaching, learning or research activity of the University.
Equity and Inclusiveness
The University is committed to creating a welcoming and culturally inclusive environment based upon mutual respect. It welcomes and supports people of all cultural, national and ethnic backgrounds, gender identities and sexual orientations, ages, abilities, religious beliefs and family responsibilities. Students will ensure equality of opportunity by:
Supporting a culture of inclusiveness and respect for difference;
Being proactive in learning about and respecting the cultural backgrounds of others; and
Committing to a scholarly environment that is free from all forms of unlawful discrimination.
The University values integrity across its academic, research, teaching, professional, public and administrative activities. Students will promote integrity in carrying out these activities by:
Giving due acknowledgement to the ideas, work and contribution of others and ensuring the proper use of copyright material;
Understanding and avoiding plagiarism, collusion, cheating, providing their work to others, misrepresenting the work of others as their own, including their own previously submitted work without agreement of the Subject Coordinator;
Acting honestly and ethically, upholding the highest standards of academic integrity in the production of all academic work and assessment tasks, including the conduct of research, and upholding the Student Honour Code;
Following the reasonable direction of any member of University staff while on campus, in University buildings or while using University services, including directions concerning the use of electronic devices and online activities; and
Following the reasonable direction of staff from any affiliate or external stakeholder where the student is engaged in placement, field work, practicums or student mobility opportunities, including directions concerning the use of electronic devices.
Ethics and Accountability
The University values ethical decision making and accountability and expects students to take responsibility for their actions whilst at University. Ethics and accountability entail an obligation to report on, explain and be responsible for one’s actions and their consequences. Students will:
Act with care, diligence and honesty;
Maintain the privacy and confidentiality of other’s personal, academic or commercial information, including in group work, electronic or other communications and as part of academic work or research;
Exercise care in the use of University equipment; and
Discharge all responsibilities with integrity and in accordance with the University’s policies and procedures. This includes:
Meeting financial commitments to the University, as required;
Providing accurate personal and contact details to the University and keeping those details up to date;
Reading and responding in a timely manner to official communication from the University and communication related to their University program;
Carrying their University Student ID card at all times while on campus and producing it to University staff when required as proof of identity;
Not using mobile phones or other similar devices in lectures, classes, or formal learning and study spaces except with the consent of the lecturer, as part of the teaching content of the subject, or in emergency situations and then with the least disruption to other students and staff;
Complying with the rules, policies and procedures of external organisations and the laws of other jurisdictions as applicable whilst on any University placement or student mobility experience;
Complying with the requirements and standards of use of University resources and services, taking due care and consideration for the correct operation and rights of other users.