Assessment policy


Students’ performance will be evaluated in a progress through a combination of assessment tasks which is transparently indicated in the Learning Guide at the beginning of each class. The total mark is the average mark weighted by proportion of each assessment task in a subject. 

Assessment tasks may include attendance, individual assignment, group assignment, seminar, mid-term examination and final examination. 

Some subjects have threshold requirements which may lead to subject failure (CF) if students violate, even though the total mark could be higher than 50/100. Students will face mark deduction or even a grade of zero (0) if they violate academic dishonesty such as cheating and plagiarism. 

Supplementary assessments in stage 2 subjects

Students will be eligible to apply for a supplementary assessment attempt where they: 

a. have failed a stage 2 subject either by failing one item or multiple items whose cumulative total amounts to less than 50% of the marks available; and 

b. have come within 5% of the passing grade for the subject (scoring 45-49%). 

Students will not be eligible for a supplementary assessment where a fail grade has been imposed as a result of a finding of misconduct under the Student Misconduct Rule. Students must apply for a supplementary assessment in writing to the Unit Coordinator (or equivalent) within five working days of the official notification of results. One attempt only will be offered to achieve a pass in the supplementary assessment. 

The final grade awarded for the subject will be ‘Pass’ with a mark of 50 or, if the marks are lower than the original attempt, the original mark will stand. Submitting an application does not automatically mean the supplementary exam will be granted. Students will be notified in writing when their applications have been approved or rejected usually by email. 

Late submission of assessments 

All quizzes, mid-term tests, group assignments and final exams must be taken on the the assigned dates. Except where an extension has been approved for the submission of an assessment task by the Unit Coordinator, or in line with the University’s Special Consideration Policy, the penalties will be given as stated in the Learning guide. 

For some serious misadventure, accident or extenuating circumstances which may impact adversely on academic performance, a special consideration and evidence must be lodged before, on or no later than 5:00pm five working days after the due date of assessment task. Submitting an application does not automatically mean the special consideration will be granted. Students will be notified in writing when their applications have been approved or rejected usually by email. 

There will be no supplementary mid-term exam or quizzes, assignment. Students whose Special Consideration Application is approved, will have the weighting of his/her final exam increased on a pro rata basis to account for the missed assignments.