
Your university journey comes with a range of opportunities to experience new things, learn new ideas, meet new people and face challenges. Understandably, when commencing something new, it can be both an exciting and challenging experience. As well as relying on your existing supports and resources, we wanted you to know that there is also support available to you from the first day you start at WSU and throughout your journey with us. Research has shown a link between wellbeing and increased academic performance, so looking after your own wellbeing is important in helping you to achieve your academic goals.

Ways to look after your wellbeing can include:

There are many areas in life, work and study where working with others can assist you to maximise your success. Your health and wellbeing is particularly important as it influences all aspects of your life. How you feel about the people around you and the situations you experience is influenced by your health and wellbeing. There may be a time when seeking help is an effective way of managing your needs. Seeking help can be hard and there are many ways you can connect with support services including by phone, email or even having a look at the resources that are available online.